Kick off Back-to-School with Lysol's Germ-Killing Power!

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Lysol, a leader in disinfection and cleanliness, is launching a dynamic campaign and is inviting creative influencers to join the movement. We aim to spotlight the diverse range of products available at Walmart, including Disinfecting Wipes, Disinfectant Spray, Laundry Sanitizer, and Air Sanitizer.

This campaign will be making waves on Instagram, Pinterest, and TikTok, with the objective to boost sales during the pivotal Back-to-School season. You would be emphasizing the essential role of a germ-free environment in safeguarding the health and well-being of children, particularly those in elementary and middle school.

We’re seeking creators who can persuasively communicate the benefits of using Lysol to maintain disinfected homes and classrooms, fostering a healthy and conducive environment for children’s learning. If you are a parent, educator, or lifestyle influencer who can connect with the target audience - parents who shop at Walmart - we invite you to use your platform to inspire and educate.

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If this casting call aligns with your skills and interests, submit a pitch to the brand for them to review.