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When life is stressful, it’s time to slow down and treat yourself to a self-care session. Self-care can cover a broad range of activities, all of which enhance your sense of well-being. Brands that promote self-care practices can improve their reputation with consumers. And one of the best ways to achieve that goal is through influencer marketing. Here are a few ways self-care influencers can help promote your brand.

At-Home Spa Treatment

When people think of self-care, products like bath bombs, moisturizing face masks and lotions often come to mind. If your brand offers products that fit within that common perception of self-care, you have plenty of influencer marketing options. Partner with a number of micro- or macro-influencers who are eager to show off your products and explain how they work. Influencer content on platforms like Instagram allows consumers to see before and after images of a facial treatment or the colorful results of a bath bomb.

Fitness Goals

Self-care isn’t always about relaxing in a tub. Regular exercise is also a form of self-care. Some benefits of physical activity include better sleep, stronger bones and muscles, and a reduced risk of anxiety, depression and heart disease, says the CDC.

Form a partnership with fitness influencers who produce content that guides audiences through new workout routines. If you have health & fitness business, use influencers to boost awareness and drive direct traffic to your site. If your business offers at-home equipment, look for influencers who will introduce your products through unboxing videos or tutorials.

Focus on Mental Health

Self-care also involves taking care of your mental health. Work with influencers who can guide audiences through meditation practices and then recommend your services at the beginning or end of each session. Guided meditation can feature on podcasts. But if you’re in the yoga niche, you’re likely to find the most effective influencers on a visual platform such as YouTube or Instagram.

Influencers who are licensed therapists are trusted voices in the mental health community. Partner with them when you want to educate audiences and boost your own brand’s credibility.

Of course, you don’t have to be a licensed professional to explain the importance of therapy. Influencers who are willing to convey their own mental health challenges and triumphs can inspire audiences and help destigmatize issues like anxiety and depression.

Self-Care in the Kitchen

Consumers who aim to treat their bodies to healthy meals are practicing self-care too. Look for influencers who focus on nutritional meal prep. Influencers who use your brand’s cookware in their content can be invaluable partners. They can routinely show off the usefulness of your offerings in their recipe videos.

Staying Social

Yes, spending time with friends and family members can count as self-care. However, socializing can be a bit tricky with COVID-19 but even a Zoom call or Facetime with a loved one can have a positive effect on your mental health.

So, whether your brand’s niche is DIY or video games or something in between, you can still find ways to incorporate a self-care theme. Look for influencers who focus on the social aspects of your niche. Gamers who enjoy multiplayer titles or influencers who lead DIY groups can build virtual communities of people who uplift one another and support your brand.