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A few days ago I noticed a Tweet from Insider Corrin, announcing she’s officially earned $15,000 through our sponsored conversation platforms. This is such an awesome achievement we had to share it with everyone.


(IZEA Twitter Profile)

As an IZEA Insider Corrin is obviously a blogger who understands the value of a well-rounded social media influence, and we thought she’d have some great insight and advice to offer-up to other members of our Community.

corrincupcake1 A Quick Overview
I live on the outskirts of Chicago with two weiners – my husband and my dachshund. I work on food marketing, which means cookbooks, recipe testing, and 50 extra pounds. Everything that happens in my life is fair game for public consumption.

When did you start blogging, and why?
I started blogging back in 2002 on Xanga. It was the cool thing to do. I’ve since moved on to bigger and better things. Like you know paying $10 for my own domain name.

How do you think you reached the mark of earning $15,000?
Hard work and perseverance. No? A smart mouth and a sense of humor? That’s better.

Serious answer? I’ve grown along with IZEA. I started paid blogging at the right time and with the right company and have benefitted from IZEA being the leader in so many aspects of blogging – from owning my own domain to being transparent with sponsorships and incorporating a disclosure policy into all of my sites.

All my blogging “success” has happened with–and because of–IZEA.

How did you first learn about IZEA (then PayPerPost), and why sign-up?
I first read about PPP on Will Femia’s MSNBC blog, Clicked ( At the time, I was a recent MBA graduate working as a temp in Indianapolis and the prospect of writing a blog post for $2.50 was mind boggling. I could pay for lunch by writing 100 words?! Sign. Me. Up.

I submitted my first post on July 12, 2006 and haven’t looked back since!

What is one of your most valuable assets, with regard to appealing to an Advertiser?
I has the good english skillz.

Okay, okay. I’ll toot my own horn. If I must.

I make an effort to go above and beyond the minimum requirements for an opportunity. I promote my posts on Facebook and Twitter. I include photos and personal stories. I have fun and write the same way I talk (that’s one of the biggest blogging compliments I’ve ever been given, by the way).

What have been some of your favorite Opportunities during your time with IZEA?
I will always love the old-school PPP opps – write PPP somewhere on your body with Sharpie and post a picture, play with fake snow and tell us what you think, pretend to be a Catfish and post the video on Youtube, sniff a smencil – but two of the more recent “goodwill” campaigns have been my favorite.

The Sears “Give a Gift, Grant a Wish” contest last winter was one of my favorites. I got to do a little shopping, help a family, and engage my readers in a great cause.  Here’s my post:

I also got to host a Tweet-Up to benefit the Humane Society which was so much fun and provided much needed supplies to my local shelter.  And here’s the post for that Opportunity:

Have there been any “big” purchases you’ve made with the money you’ve earned through our marketplaces?
dogI bought my dog, Ollie, with PayPerPost earnings! He’s the original PayPerPost Pup and has since branched out and blogs at He’s still waiting for an extra long IZEA t-shirt.


Why do you enjoy taking part in sponsored conversations?
I like to think of sponsored conversations as conversation starters. The sponsor’s campaign goals provide me with a starting point and I get to run wild with it.

I’ve gotten to promote companies I love, familiarize myself with new companies and introduce them to my readers, and try different products and services before anyone else. Not to mention attend Blissdom, Blogher, Affiliate Summit, and Izeafest thanks to sponsored conversations and individual sponsors.

It sounds completely hokey, but sponsorships, in one form or another, has provided me with so many opportunities and experiences I never would have thought possible.

Are there any bloggers you enjoy following on a regular basis, that you feel has helped improve your skills as a blogger?
I read an embarrassing amount of blogs, but I do have my favorites. I follow them all because I admire them in some way. Whether it’s their photos, prose, wit, sarcasm, or ability to use swear words in ways I never imagined, I have to admire and respect a blogger in order to keep coming back for more.

And these both kill me to add to the list…

I want so much to dislike them both, but I can’t. It’s their damn dogs. I’m a sucker for Charlie, Chuck, and Coco.

If you had one piece of information or advice to other Posties about how to be more successful in our marketplaces, what would it be?

I went through a phase when I took any and all opportunities available to me because OMG money! For blogging! Most of us have and will go through that phase. And it’s unfortunate because it clouds the fact that most of us started blogging because we enjoyed it. Novel idea, eh? Blogging because it’s fun and not an obligation.

So, my advice would be to make a conscious effort to be a discriminating blogger in regards to sponsored posts. Really hone in on your niche and what you’re talented at writing about and what engages your readers. You’ll feel better about your blogging and advertisers will appreciate your discretion.

Please list any and all of your blogs: