What originally attracted you the IZEA/Socialspark community?
My great friend, Tiffany, works for IZEA, and suggested I join the SocialSpark community for opportunities to monetize my blog and expand my reach. It was my first venture into sponsored posts, and I’ve been presented with some really wonderful opportunities.
Describe your blog in 140 characters or less…
Delicious. Gluten-free. Fun. Healthy. Indulgent. Creative. Zesty. Happy. Spicy. Fresh. Welcoming. Passionate. And did I say delicious?
What inspires you to blog?
Great times are often centered around great food. I love creating delicious memories and sharing them with with my friends and readers.
Do you ever get stumped for what to write? How do you overcome this?
Very rarely, because food is such a diverse subject. There are endless combinations and ways to mix ingredients so it never gets boring. Food is something we deal with every day, and I cook dinner almost every night so I constantly have opportunities to try new things. Sometimes the best dishes I’ve made come from nights where I “clean” out my kitchen – I pull a bunch of random things out of the fridge, pantry, freezer and see what I can make with them. Each recipe creates new memories and experiences – I’m always able to relate dishes back to family and stories. I cook and write from the heart, so often find myself having to cut back on my posts so they’re not incredibly wordy and boring!
If you were President for a day what would be your first order of business?
I would start a movement to ban the use of cell phones in restaurants. I think we all spend a little too much time on our phones nowadays and we’d all be a lot happier and more engaged with friends and family if we put the phones down for a bit!
What do you love about IZEA/SocialSpark?
I love the large variety of great campaigns that we can choose from and how supportive and wonderful the IZEA team is to work with!
What has been your favorite SocialSpark campaign?
Love With Food. What a great company! It was a really fun campaign to work on because I got to sample a bunch of delicious snacks and write about them. The owner of the company even sent me a hand-written note to thank me for my participation. Courtney, the account manager, was also incredible to work with and really made the experience fun and easy. My followers really liked this post because I was able to host a contest for a 3-month subscription to Love With Food. Actually, it turned out that the person who won the giveaway had already purchased a subscription to Love With Food for herself because she liked it so much after reading my post!
How do you actively stay engaged with your audience?
I think it’s important to communicate often with readers and create personal relationships. I ask questions to encourage more comments and engagement. I love when readers comment on my posts, and I respond to every comment on my site. Friends and readers send me pictures of recipes they’ve made from my site, and this makes me beyond happy! Social media is an incredibly useful tool as well, especially Instagram.
What tips can you give other bloggers that can help set them apart and stand out?
It is so important to be yourself! Don’t be afraid to say what’s on your mind. Be original. You are unique, and that is beautiful. Embrace your uniqueness. My favorite quote says this best. “Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.” ― Bernard M. Baruch
Complete this thought: If I could, I would…
Spend a few years traveling and eating my way around the world.
Congratulations to Lauren! Check her out at Hugs’n Kitchen!