1. What originally attracted you to the IZEA/SocialSpark community and how did you find out about it?
It’s a funny story. I actually had the privilege of hearing IZEA CEO, Ted Murphy speak at a very small conference in Chicago in May of 2010. I remember being impressed with Ted and with the program and wanting to look into it. But as is the case in our fast-paced world, there were also a ton of other “things” I wanted to do after that conference and I got distracted! Last year, I had been investigating monetization for my blog when a IZEA/SocialSpark rep reached out to me. I remember my initial positive reaction to the program and and quickly signed up. And the rest is history!
2. Describe your blog in 140 characters or less…
Merry musings of a feisty foodie slash globe-trotting wannabe Frenchie!
3. What inspires you to blog?
I have a very busy corporate career, never thought of myself as particularly creative, but needed to find an activity to decompress. About five of years ago I took a exploratory creative writing course. It opened my eyes to the world of blogging and became my creative outlet. So I would say my inspiration is keeping sane! I also grew up a military brat moving all over the world, as an adult I still am totally addicted to travel and blogging inspires me to find new and interesting ways of exploring the world and sharing them with my community.
4. Do you ever get stumped for what to write? How do you overcome this?
I do! I think everyone does. I have an Editorial Calendar that helps me plan out my content and keep me organized. When I need new ideas I usually create mind maps that help me come up with new ideas and series.
5. Do you have a favorite type of brand or product review to work with?
Being a travel and food blog I like to work with brands that somehow touch that aspect of my brand. I think it is important to stay true to what your blog branding is and to make smart choices about which partners make the most sense to work with. Patience and perseverance do pay off.
6. What do you love about IZEA/SocialSpark?
The online tool/site! It is so easy to use! Once you have selected an offer it is so easy to follow the process – you have all the requirements, assets and deadlines you need to complete your selected projects. Questions get answered so quickly, you can check statuses and get paid quickly, it is a breeze!
7. How do you describe your blog to people you meet who haven’t read it before?
I usually say that I am a travel blogger who tends to visit a place via her stomach! I travel both domestically and internationally and love to connect to people and cultures via their food.
8. How do you actively stay engaged with your audience?
I am addicted to social media! That helps me interact with people just about every where. Whether someone prefers conversation on Twitter or sharing photos on Instagram, I am there!
9. What tips can you give other bloggers that can help set them apart and stand out?
One core tenet I follow and share with bloggers all the time is to have a “tree.” The content of your blog is represented by a tree. The base of your tree is the thing you are most passionate about, it is the topic that all your posts should tie back to. Every post should a be branch that “stems” from the trunk. This will allow you to “root” your blog to a place where people gather and know what to expect when they do.
10. Complete this thought: If I could, I would…
Travel and blog full time! And…figure out a way to eat three meals a day without gaining a pound…without doing a lick of exercise!
Congratulations, Andi! Read her blog, Misadventures with Andi.