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1. Describe yourself in 140 characters or less…
Writer, crafter, storyteller, dreamer, San Franciscan. I love connecting with others especially around crochet, creativity and self-healing.

2. What originally attracted you to Sponsored Tweets, and how did you find out about it?
I’ve been a blogger for more than ten years and participating in the changing landscape of social media is an important part of that. I have been active on Twitter using two different accounts for quite some time. When I started seeing a few other people with sponsored tweets I knew it was something I wanted to check into as a small income source. I liked what I saw!

3. What do you love most about Twitter?
The real time immediacy of the communication on the site. If there’s something going on in the world that I want to know about then I can start with Twitter to connect to people around it.

4. Finish this: Without Twitter I would…
… need to find an alternative short form real time communication system to fill that niche!

5. What do you feel encourages engagement with your audience?
I ask “questions of the day” around the specific topics that I’m known for (crochet and creativity). My audience knows that these questions will be posted and that their answers will be taken seriously, sometimes even used on my blog itself in other posts, and I think this encourages interaction around that content.

6. Who are some of your must follows?
In the crochet/ craft niche it’s @crochetlibfront, @freshstitches, @planetjune and @craftypod … These are all crafty businesswomen who do work that I admire and I like following their online interaction.

7. Whatʼs your preferred blend of tweets made up of: RTs, links, original content etc?
I tend to post a lot of links to my own content as well as to the content I like around the web. My Twitter account is connected to my Sulia account so the links I share on Sulia (and the comments I make there) go to Twitter. I try to RT and respond to people regularly as well as post fresh original comments on Twitter but I admit that I tend to slack in that area when the rest of online life gets a little too busy.

8. What’s your favorite bird (tweet, tweet!)?

9. What do you love about IZEA and Sponsored Tweets?
I like the way Sponsored Tweets offers me some control over what I advertise and creates sponsored messages in ways that aren’t super intrusive to the rest of my message stream. I can choose to share those things that my audience would actually be interested in, which is important to me.

10. Finish this: A tweet a day…
… can make a difference in the world. You never know when you’ll say the right thing at the right time that connects with someone’s heart!

Congratulations, Kathryn. Follow her on Twitter @CrochetBlogger