Want to generate some buzz about your brand? Who would say no to that? Well, look no further, because we found five ways to generate free publicity.
While all of these options are free to use, which is great for your bottom line, they can require a little time and manpower. But if you can spare a few hours, these options can get people talking about your brand.
Brands are stretching their marketing dollars further than ever before. The “we can do it on our own” mentality is morphing into a more collaborative spirit where multiple brands work together to maximize their efforts.
Taco Bell and Doritos, for example, teamed up to offer a new tasty treat.
“This idea works for big brands, but it can be used on a small scale too,” Barak Kassar, the founder of marketing firm Rassak Experience, suggests. But you don’t have to combine your product lines for a partnership to work.
“Partner with a local restaurant or art gallery and promote each other in-store and in newsletters,” Kassar says. “Find ways for both brands to benefit.”
Give back
One of the best ways to generate some goodwill for your brand is to work with a local charity. Find a non-profit that shares your brand’s passion or aligns with your business mission.
Work with the non-profit to plan an event. Get your employees involved; invite the media and spread some community love. It’s a win-win, Kassar says. Your brand and the non-profit get exposure and you’ve done some good.
On an even smaller scale, you can donate goods to a silent auction or host a one-day can drive at the office. Even small charitable actions can generate brand awareness, especially in small communities.
Optimize your email signature
Looking for a ridiculously easy way to boost your brand’s exposure? Make sure every email you send has a signature full of brand information. Everyone working for your brand should have a similar signature, Kassar says.
He suggests using WiseStamp, a site that can help you customize an email signature for you and your entire staff. Here’s an example:
“Give your brand a boost every time you send an email,” Kassar says, who encourages brands to go beyond the basic name, title and website address. “Signatures can tap into your blog, Facebook or Twitter to help spread the word.”
Use online resources
Everyone knows they can launch a Facebook page and start tweeting as a method of free promotion, but there are other online resources that can pack a publicity punch.
Consider creating a regular podcast that offers tips and tricks for your customers. A podcast requires little equipment and can be promoted on your website and social media channels.
Are you managing a blog? What kind of content marketing resource would we be if we didn’t encourage you to create must-read articles, killer videos and graphics that captivate? Besides creating name awareness, content marketing can bolster your reputation; increase web traffic and influences sales.
If you need a little refresher course on content marketing, check out these articles:
- Why Content Marketing is Vital to Your Business
- Building a Content Strategy
- The Anatomy of a Viral Blog Post
- Four Types of Videos that Boost Brand Awareness
Network with reporters
Wouldn’t it be great to have a pool of reporters in your corner that you could tap into when your brand is doing something exciting? There’s a way to do just that. By using media sites like HelpAReporterOut and PitchRate you can respond to reporters looking for sources. By responding to a reporter’s query you can build a mutually beneficial relationship.
When you’re working with a reporter, you want to be helpful and insightful, Kassar says. Yes, you want to promote your brand, but don’t overplay it. Remember, you’re working toward a long-term relationship that hopefully leads to multiple stories through the years, not just one quote in one publication.
How does your brand generate publicity? Feel free to expand on our list of tips in the comment section below.