Bougiebeardies is a dynamic and influential TikTok personality based in the United States. Known for their captivating content, they have a knack for engaging their audience in a unique and entertaining way. Bougiebeardies' content is diverse, covering a wide range of topics from lifestyle and fashion to comedy and social commentary, making them relatable and appealing to a broad audience. They are passionate about using their platform not only for entertainment but also to promote positive change, often engaging in discussions about important social issues. Bougiebeardies is currently seeking partnerships with brands that align with their values and interests. They are committed to building long-term relationships with brands, using their influence to promote products and services in a genuine and effective way. With their creative content and strong engagement, Bougiebeardies is the perfect influencer for brands looking to reach a diverse and engaged audience.

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One 30-60 second TikTok video featuring your product! I'll naturally incorporate the product into a video in my content style. I'll tag the brand and add any relevant hashtags in the caption.
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Sponsored TikTok Video $300
15 Days Delivery
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Subtotal $300
Total Delivery Time 15 Days
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