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When brainstorming content marketing strategies, some tactics work better than others. For example, if you jump into content marketing without any idea of to whom you’re talking, what type of content you’re going to create, or even what makes content “good,” you’re pretty much setting yourself up for failure. You need to know what the best content marketing strategies are.

While having a general plan and strategy for your content marketing is a must, zeroing in on specific aspects of that strategy is also key to your success. The best content marketing strategies can help you clearly define your audience. Furthermore they boost engagement with your audience, and ensure as many people as possible see and interact with your content.

If you’re not sure content marketing is paying off for your brand, focusing on one or more of the best content marketing strategies can give it a boost.

The Best Content Marketing Strategies Focus on Quality

What It Is

No one wants to look at or try to read content that’s boring, poorly constructed, or just plain wrong. Focusing on quality means taking the steps to produce stuff people want to read or look at. According to Search Engine Land, in the world of content marketing “quality” means making content with the needs of the audience in mind. If you’re not sure of the quality of a piece of content, ask yourself if it solved a problem. Did you feel better after reading or viewing it?

Why It Works

Quality content doesn’t only mean people are more likely to engage with your content. It also means Google and other search engines are more likely to rank it higher in their results. Search engines help in giving you a boost when it comes to organic search traffic.

See It In Action

According to the Content Marketing Institute, 72 percent of B2C content marketers attributed their success over the past year to better-quality content.

How To Copy It

For starters, do some research before creating content. Make sure what you’re posting is factually correct and genuinely useful. Proofread and check spelling to avoid looking like an amateur. If you’re creating graphics or videos, make sure they are visually appealing and easy on the eyes. In the case of video, make sure the audio is clear and easy to comprehend.

The Best Content Marketing Strategies Target a Specific Audience

What It Is

Directing content at a specific demographic or buyer persona.

Why It Works

What’s going to appeal to one group, such as teenage girls, isn’t going to appeal to another, such as retirement-age men. Creating content that addresses the specific needs and wants of a particular group means your content is going to have a greater impact. If you’re able to promote that content on platforms and websites where your audience hangs out, you’re even more likely to see results.

See It In Action

In 2015, Plum Organics created Parenting Unfiltered, a multi-platform campaign that targeted parents of young kids. Specifically, it focused on parents who were looking for a break from the ongoing pressure to be “perfect” and raise perfect kids.

How To Copy It

Pick an audience, any audience. It helps to do your research and to put together buyer personas so you know your audience, their age, where they live, what they want from life, and their typical income. Once you know your audience, start creating content that addresses their needs and seeks to solve problems they face.

The Best Content Marketing Strategies Go Visual

What It Is

A visual content marketing strategy makes use of graphics, pictures, videos, and other visual elements to get your point across. People often confuse visual content with sticking an image into a blog post. It goes further than that.

Why It Works

Humans are visual creatures. According to Thomson Reuters, 90 percent of the information transmitted to the brain is visual. The brain also processes visuals a lot more quickly than it does text. This means people looking at infographics, videos, and other pictures are going to connect with the content faster than people reading an article or blog post. Additionally, people seem to prefer visual or video content to textual content. As Hubspot points out, the number of people who’d rather watch a video is four times higher than the number who’d rather read an article.

See It In Action

This infographic from Quill walks a person through all of the reasons why he or she needs a vacation and the benefits of using all vacation days. Dollar Shave Club’s introductory video went viral and led to the brand getting 12,000 new customers within just two days of launching.

How To Copy It

Don’t go visual just for the sake of it. Make sure the visuals you’re using really inform the content. For example, don’t just stick a picture in a blog post and say that you’re using visual content. Create infographics or videos as a way to convey your message to your audience by showing what you mean rather than telling.

The Best Content Marketing Strategies Promote Your Content

What It Is

Content promotion can take multiple forms. It can be sending out an email newsletter to customers or using influencers to share links to your content on social media.

Why It Works

If you don’t promote your content, who’s going to see it or know that it’s there?

See It In Action

The Freelancer’s Union runs a blog that regularly posts content created by freelancers. It sends out a regular newsletter to its members, letting them know what new posts are on the blog and reminding them of the services the union offers.

How To Copy It

If you don’t already have an email newsletter, it’s a good idea to get one started. You can use the newsletter to promote your content and stay in touch with your customers. If you’re interested in using influencers to share your content, look into using an influencer marketplace to find people who focus on your niche or industry, then connect with them. Promoting your content on your brand’s social media pages is another great tool to use.