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In 2017, the way that your brand is represented will be more important than ever. In the new millennium, consumers are more discerning than ever, and more often than not, they’re over the hard sell. That’s why 2017 will present your brand with a unique opportunity to craft a content marketing campaign that tells the story of your brand.

What is a Branded Story?

So, you’re already running a pretty complete content marketing campaign, right? Your brand’s presence is felt across several social media platforms, you’re making use of influencer marketing, and you’ve got regular content going out on your site or on a blog. That’s all great, but your company might not be telling a great brand story.

The difference between a mundane content marketing campaign and a brand story is simple: It’s all about cohesion. When the various marketing arms of your brand are working in unison to paint a uniform picture of your company, then you’re telling a brand story.

Content Marketing Campaign & Branded Story Tactics

If you’re in an industry that might not actively draw interest from consumers, consider enlisting a brand hero. Companies who use mascots in their social media campaigns can receive a really substantial bump in engagement. For example, when Charmin began featuring their family of bears, they experienced a 585 percent increase in Facebook shares.


Getting to the heart of your brand is important as well. Airbnb, for example, knows that the customers who make up their army of hosts and guests are the secret to their success. As a result, their website devotes considerable space to telling success stories and inciting a wanderlust among their visitors. The company’s Facebook page continues that trend by posting alluring photos of exotic places and inspiring a conversation about unique experiences gained while staying with Airbnb.


Prominent sports brand Nike understands the value of storytelling as a means of promoting your brand rather than a specific product. For nearly 20 years, the company has promoted its brand by highlighting athletes’ stories and shining a light on sports we may not think about in the general public. The result teaches customers something new while passively implying that Nike is the athlete’s companion throughout these stories, and through the good times as well as the bad.


GoPro made more than $1.6 billion in 2015, and they’re expected to improve on those earnings in 2016. Part of the reason the portable camera company is so successful is its open message of intent. In other words, it lets its customers know the goal of the company on their website. GoPro’s goal is to create experiences and realities that expand our world and inspire those around us. GoPro uses its social media presence to showcase videos of exotic locations and a wide variety of activities.

Most importantly, tell the truth. Commit your brand’s story to your brand’s goals. Be as open and honest a light as possible. Uniformly focus your entire marketing campaign. Portray those core ideals in a manner that’s true to your brand.

The goal is adhere to these simple guidelines and get every level of your company on the same page. That way you won’t have any problems telling a story of your brand.