Describe yourself in 140 characters or less…
I am random, passionate, and funny. I’m an avid Kentucky basketball fan and admirer of music and movies.
What originally attracted you to SponsoredTweets, and how did you find out about it?
A friend told me about it and I thought it could be a cool way to earn some extra cash. What I learned is that the content I’m asked to promote is actually fun and engaging, so my followers actually LIKE it!
What do you love most about Twitter?
The ability to simply interact with anyone, despite having a relationship or not. Thanks to searching and hashtags, I’ve been able to start conversations with people I don’t even know!
Finish this: Without Twitter I would…
Have no life. Actually, nope, that’s right. I spend WAYYYY too much time on Twitter!
What do you feel encourages engagement with your audience?
Content that doesn’t seem spammy or fake. I believe authenticity and transparency encourages engagement and participation.
How do you make it easy to stay connected with your followers?
I am always available to talk to followers. I totally believe in replying to mentions, asking questions, and having fun dialogues with those that take the time to actually read my tweets!
Whatʼs your preferred blend of tweets made up of: RTs, links, original content etc?
90% original content, 5% RT, 5% sponsored. My goal is to have most of my tweets be original content and replies to followers.
Any advice for Tweeters new to SponsoredTweets?
Don’t overdo it. Be wise about what you post. Remember, the purpose of Twitter isn’t to make money off of sponsored content, it’s to engage the followers, the sponsored content is an added bonus!
What do you love about IZEA and SponsoredTweets?
I really love the way they have embraced me. I’ve been very careful not to overdo my tweets and promotions and it has led to a great response from followers. They are able to partner real advertisers who have a need with me, a real person, with real followers, and help negotiate a fair trade between the parties.
Finish this: A tweet a day…
is impossible. It’s always more like a hundred tweets a day.