SocialSpark Influencer of the Month
1. What originally attracted you to the IZEA/SocialSpark community and how did you find out about it?
I found out about SocialSpark a little over a year ago through Mandi Guber at Vintage Revivals. I was intrigued and I liked the fact that nobody would tell me who to post for…that I could choose what sponsors I felt would speak to my readers.
2. Describe your blog in 140 characters or less…
My goal is to inspire readers to be clever in their home.
3. What inspires you to blog?
My original intent was to share family recipes and projects with my friends. I like the fact that someday…when my kids are older and living outside of our house…they can pull up recipes from home…along with a family story. I love that the simplest ideas have the most impact. My readers inspire me everyday to continue creating.
4. Do you ever get stumped for what to write? How do you overcome this?
I am a big believer that blogging should be an “organic” process. If I don’t feel like writing…then I don’t. I take advantages of those moments and days where the words just pour out. I may start 7 blog posts in one day…and finish them at different times. Same is true for the creative process…if I am struck with several ideas in one week…I try to get those creative juices out. It is an ebb and flow and that is what has worked for me so far.
5. If you were President for a day what would be your first order of business?
Holy question Batman! I would have to say that given the current events in our society, I would place a large portion of my day on coming up with solutions for the mental health crisis…make it easier for families to obtain help for those who need assistance. It is easier to buy a semi automatic gun in our country than it is for a parent to get health care for a mentally unstable child. I would also take a trip on Airforce One…heck yeah!
6. What do you love about IZEA/SocialSpark?
I love the flexibility of working with the companies that I chose. I think the dashboard and framework of the website is super easy…very clear and user friendly. The campaigns that I have worked with really speak to my readers…and I love that I can put my own touch on every post.
7. What has been your favorite SocialSpark campaign?
Honestly…maybe it is because I just worked on the Dollar General campaign so recently…but I LOVED the recipe that I created…and my readers loved it too! How can you go wrong with peanut butter, pretzel, graham crackers and chocolate? Umm yeah…you can’t! Yum!
8. How do you actively stay engaged with your audience?
Facebook is really what I rely on to get reactions and interactions with my readers. It makes it so easy to stay in touch and many times will give me ideas for future post.
9. What tips can you give other bloggers that can help set them apart and stand out?
I know that everyone says this…but pictures, pictures and pictures. I have a passion for photography since studying it in college. I think when you can’t physically “see” the reader, the best way to communicate is through a well taken photograph. I know for me…the blogs that I come back to everyday have great pictures. I think many of us are so visual..and we only have so much time…those pictures have to be worth taking that minute to read. Pictures…and being authentic in your writing. I write like I talk…it just comes out that way.
10. Complete this thought: If I could, I would…
…besides eat ice cream for breakfast everyday?? Probably buy a place somewhere warm….it’s cold outside 🙂
Congratulations, Tracie! Read her blog Cleverly Inspired.