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1. Describe yourself in 140 characters or less…
I’m just a guy in my mid 40’s with great hair and a unique look at things. I like to laugh and enjoy life.

2. What originally attracted you to Sponsored Tweets, and how did you find out about it?
I found out about Sponsored Tweets through a referral from someone. Can’t remember who.

3. What do you love most about Twitter?
What I like most about Twitter is the lack of borders. I’ve been able to meet many interesting people from around the world.

4. Finish this: Without Twitter I would…
Get a lot more sleep, drive a lot safer and have a lot of thoughts but no place to share them.

5. What do you feel encourages engagement with your audience?
I think the fact that I usually engage any of my followers who @reply to one of my tweet. I like reading their comments and commenting back. Read my timeline often and interact with people.

6. How do you make it easy to stay connected with your followers?
I use to filter out the people who are just churning users trying to grow their follower count. I follow a lot of people that Twitter recommends. If I offend someone and they unfollow me, I respect that. I’m not for everyone.

7. Whatʼs your preferred blend of tweets made up of: RTs, links, original content, etc?
I enjoy tweeting original content. I will also Retweet the interesting tweets of my followers and most tweets with my name in them that have content, not just a #FF SHOUTOUT, but if someone mentions me in a joke or topic, I RT it.

8. Any advice for Tweeters new to Sponsored Tweets?
I try to tell Tweeters that are looking to make money to use Sponsored Tweets and to be patient. You can have fun with it and make some money at it, but it’s not going to happen in 2 days.

9. What do you love about IZEA and Sponsored Tweets?
IZEA and Sponsored Tweets have been good to me. The offers come in, and I can take the ones that fit me, and pass on the ones that don’t. It’s a great platform to make some money while having a good time.

10. Finish this: A tweet a day…
…keeps boredom away.

Congratulations, Mike. Follow Mike on Twitter @unique_bend