What originally attracted you to the IZEA/SocialSpark community and how did you find out about it?
I discovered IZEA through another blog, and was attracted to the great assortment of high-level companies they worked with.
Describe yourself in 140 characters or less.
I’m Cassie, a lover of design, DIY, travel, fashion, sarcasm, mexican food and shiny, ruffly things.
What inspires you to blog?
It started as my much-needed creative outlet, and now I’m attached to the community of supportive friends who enjoy the same things as me.
Do you ever get stumped on what to write? How do you overcome this?
My blog focuses on projects I do around our house, and I’ve yet to run out of project ideas! If I don’t have a post or good topic one day, I just skip it. I try not to post just for posting’s sake.
How do you describe your blog to people you meet who haven’t read it before?
A lifestyle blog focusing on budget-minded home projects, with a lot of fashion, travel and sarcasm thrown in.
What do you love about IZEA/SocialSpark?
I love how simple it is to choose and execute campaigns.
Do you have a favorite type of brand or product review to work with?
I only accept the campaigns that are relevant to my blog, and companies I truly like and support…which usually ends up being home decor.
How do you actively stay engaged with your audience?
The relationships I have with readers is my favorite part of blogging, so I appreciate every comment and email. I treat them all as I would an email from a real-life friend.
What tips can you give other bloggers that can help set them apart and stand out?
It’s so cliche, but you really just have to be yourself, write in your own voice and stay true to why you started blogging in the first place. It’s more work than people know, so you have to love it in order to sustain it.
Complete this thought: If I could, I would…
…blog full-time from an island in the Caribbean.
Congratulations, Cassie! Read her blog Hi Sugarplum!