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A quick scroll through the posts of a top Instagram influencer can be dizzying. They’re made up of conversations that come quickly at viewers from all over and that cover a wealth of different topics. Trying to get a sense of exactly who their followers are can be confusing, especially without digging a little deeper. Now expand that research to include their audiences on all of the top social media channels. The task can seem pretty daunting.

Fortunately, it’s not difficult to learn more about an influencer’s audience demographics if you have the right tools. Audience influencer demographics are profiles of influencers’ followers that can give brands and marketers the details they need for targeting in influencer campaigns. That information can include the ages, genders, locations, lifestyles, values, education levels, income levels and interests of the audiences they reach.

It’s important to know your influencer’s audience demographics to ensure that they mirror the demographics of your target market. It keeps you from wasting time and money on marketing to consumers that aren’t likely to become your customers.

Influencer marketing campaigns have become increasingly data-driven since the Wild West-esque early days of social media. More and more brands want to verify audiences before investing in influencer campaigns. To stay competitive, it’s essential that you do too.

The Benefits of Knowing Audience Demographics

Don’t underestimate the benefits of knowing your influencer’s audience demographics. It’s crucial information that helps you develop powerful influencer marketing campaigns. Knowing your audience’s demographics:

  • Helps You Target Specific Markets: When you know your influencer’s audience demographics, you can more specifically target them with your content and marketing messages. Depending on the influencer and the size of their audience, you can target general and/or specific niche markets.
  • Tailors Your Content and Campaigns: If your influencer’s audience demographics fit your target market’s profile, you can learn what they respond to by analyzing the influencer’s content. It helps you better personalize your brand’s influencer marketing campaigns.
  • Helps You Establish Long-Term Relationships with Consumers: When brands work with influencers whose audience demographics match their target markets, they can create long-term influencer marketing campaigns. Influencers who know how to talk to your market can help you reach it as it grows and evolves.
  • Helps with Market Research: When you know an influencer’s audience demographics, the data can be a good resource for market and product research. The influencer can engage with the audience to help you discover product preferences and ideas they have about product improvements.
  • Teaches Better Ways to Engage: If you know that the audience’s demographics are a match for your market, you can target them with different types of social media marketing techniques. For instance, if the influencer gets a lot of engagement from contests or giveaways, it can help you decide whether those should be part of your strategy.
  • Helps Avoid Fraud: Unfortunately, a number of influencers buy fake followers to appear more popular. These followers aren’t real people who are actually interested in what the influencers post. They’re often actually bots, people who are paid to follow and engage or hacked accounts. Demographic information about an influencer’s audience can help you root out and avoid fake followers so you know engagement is authentic.
  • Helps You Stay on Top of Trends: Knowing the types of influencers and content your target market is following and engaging with helps you to stay on top of emerging trends.
  • Helps You Find New Markets: Knowing influencer audience demographics can help brands target new markets they might not have been aware of before.
  • Helps Your Brand Grow Traffic, Engagement, Leads and Conversions: When you know an influencer’s audience demographics, you can create campaigns that resonate with their followers. Because followers trust an influencer, that trust can transfer to your brand and campaign. Relevant campaigns can help grow traffic to your website and your brand’s social media following. They can also increase engagement, leads, sales, brand awareness and loyalty.

How to Learn About Influencer Demographics

How can you learn about influencer audience demographics? There’s a number of different options. Your influencer might provide you with details about their audience demographics like age, gender and location. But, it’s important to double-check their claims. Furthermore, trying to do the research in-house can be tedious and time-consuming.

Influencer marketing tools are one way to learn about influencer audience demographics. They’re largely driven by AI and can provide the insights necessary for a successful influencer marketing campaign.