Many seasoned internet users think of Pinterest as a simple social sharing platform for pretty pictures. While it does serve the purpose of collecting visuals and organizing ideas on themed boards, Pinterest purchasing power has a huge impact on the world of shopping.
Pinterest appeals to everyone from crafty college kids to families craving new recipe ideas. For many, Pinterest becomes a virtual shopping list available on their phones, tablets and computers with just a few clicks or taps. According to statistics from, 88 percent of users end up purchasing a product they pin.
Buying and Beyond
With 70 percent of pinners discovering products on Pinterest and 40 percent of users saying that Pinterest is the best way to learn about new products, it’s no surprise that savvy shoppers flock to the social sharing site. Even more compelling, Pinterest users love to plan events and are two times more likely to do so. Compiling details from decor to dinner dishes is so handy that 75 percent of event-related pins are saved 1 to 2 months before the event is scheduled.
But it’s not just for consumers. Pinterest purchasing power has a thriving environment of businesses that harness their own brand power; a sizeable 75 percent of saved pins come from businesses, not regular pinners.
Pinboards for Business
How can businesses and brands hop onto the Pinterest purchasing power bandwagon? First and foremost, the pins have to look pretty. Colored visuals increases a reader’s attention span and overall information retention by 82 percent, according to Xerox. Making sure your pinned visuals are colorful, eye-catching and on-brand is the best way to grab a pinner’s eye.
The Value of Rich Pins
Rich Pins are a unique way to take brand pinning to another level. Utilizing Rich Pins as a business on Pinterest lets you add extra details and guide pinners with information they’ll find most valuable. For example, you can create App Pins that encourage pinners to download your app; Place Pins that provide a map, address, and phone number of a destination; or Product Pins with real-time pricing updates and buying information.
Pinterest purchasing power is a fantastic tool for sharing informative infographics and images with product details, especially those in horizontal format. Verifying your website on Pinterest and adding “Pin It” buttons to your site and blog lets visitors share content with ease. Marketers can also gain valuable insight into customers’ online habits by studying their pin boards.
The Numbers
- 88 percent of users buy products that they pin on Pinterest
- 75 percent of saved pins come from businesses on Pinterest, not regular users
- 70 percent of pinners discover new products on Pinterest
- 40 percent of pinners say that Pinterest is a more effective way to learn about new products than TV, search engines or ads
- Colorful visuals increase readers’ information retention by 82 percent