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What originally attracted you to the IZEA community and how did you find out about it?

I originally discovered IZEA through conversation with other bloggers, and I was really impressed by the way the network empowers content creators to capitalize on the networks we’ve worked so hard to build.

Describe your blog in 140 characters or less…

Shrimp Salad Circus is a daily source of inspiration to make creativity approachable, moving others to create or to appreciate creativity.

What inspires you to blog?

Blogging is such a creative outlet for me. Where my day job is constrained by all the standard elements of the corporate world, my blog is my own place to share my voice and what inspires me every day. It’s my opportunity to get all my ideas off the sketchbook page and ultimately -hopefully- into the lives of my readers as they create the projects I’ve put out there.

Do you ever get stumped for what to write? How do you overcome this?

With Instagram’s shift to a highly-curated micro-blogging platform and endless inspiration on Pinterest, it doesn’t take much to feel like the well of ideas is drying up, and I’ve found the best way to combat that is to just press pause on everything for a couple days. The old “quality over quantity” adage has withstood the test of time because it’s true. I’ve found that my readers would rather stick around waiting for my next great idea than have to sift through something mediocre that shouldn’t have made it off the drawing board. The best inspiration often comes in a moment where you’re not overthinking it, and it’s important to embrace that.

What is the coolest thing your blog has helped you do?

Blogging has opened up so many doors through the years, but the best opportunities are always the ones where I feel like I’m with “my people”. I love any chance to talk shop; unabashedly style my fork and knife just so at lunch; or brainstorm the next big hashtag without feeling like I’ve suddenly grown an extra limb out of the blue….!

What do you love about IZEA?

There are so many networks for publishers and brands to find each other, and they really run the gamut in terms of quality. IZEA has managed to position itself at the head of the pack because of the people behind the company. I’ve been working with Kate for months on a project, and she’s always a breath of fresh air. We live and work in an era of impersonal interaction, and I always look forward to the real human contact I know I’m going to get if I have a question or need to discuss a client’s needs.

How do you actively stay engaged with your audience?

I love the way social media has evolved over the years and become such a powerful tool for elevating relationships with engaged readers. I always respond to reader comments on my blog posts, but I feel like in the last couple years much of the conversation has moved over to Instagram, and I love seeing the same faces pop up over and over.

What tips can you give other bloggers that can help set them apart and stand out?

The most important piece of advice I can share with any current or aspiring bloggers is to find your voice, and stay true to that! It can seem like there’s a ton of pressure to keep up with every trend to constantly shift focus in a changing landscape, but your readers will feel that right away. There’s a huge difference between being inspired by someone and appropriating for your own. It might work for a little while, but until you find your own niche, you won’t attract and keep your authentic tribe. If pineapples or donuts aren’t your thing, recognize and honor that. Who knows–maybe you’ll end up kicking off the next big “thing”!

Complete this though: If I could, I would…

If I could figure out a way to add another 12 hours into my day, I’d probably finally start to feel like I had a handle on time management…As it is now, I blog from 6:00-9:00 every morning before work and pick up where I left off when I get home around 6:00. Somewhere in there, I try to squeeze in time for my family and a social life, but sometimes it feels like a bit of a losing battle, and sleep usually ends up getting cut first!


Sleep or no sleep…You are doing an amazing job Lindsay, so keep up the good work! Check out all of Lindsay’s amazing creativity over at Shrimp Salad Circus.