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As Ted has alluded to already, SocialSpark is undergoing a major overhaul right now. Part of that overhaul is all but eliminating issues bloggers are having with embedding codes (required links, images, disclosure badges, disclosure sentence, etc) by implementing Direct Publishing (similar to Sponsored Tweets). I want to make sure we knock this one out of the park, so I’d like to get an idea of what blog platforms are most common in our network — especially if you use SocialSpark (or would like to)!

If you would kindly take two seconds to respond to this poll, I’ll give you a virtual high five.

Update: I’ve changed the poll to allow more than one response per person, since I know many of you have multiple blogs on different platforms. You can choose up to 3 of the above platforms. (Please don’t write ‘more than one’ in the ‘other’ field — be specific!) Thanks again!