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IZEA aims to simplify the experience of our Marketers and Creators to make their goals on the platform as easy to accomplish as possible. In April, we’ve added new features to make the experience on our platform more flexible for our different users and their preferences, as well as more accommodating options within our app and for Shake users.


Expanded Phone Verification

Shake aims to support a wide variety of Content Creators, Influencers and Marketers looking to transact on the platform. To accommodate our growing audience, we’ve recently expanded our phone verification to include 205 total countries around the world. 


iOS Dark Mode

In an effort to accommodate our users’ preferences, we’ve added iOS Dark Mode compatibility to the IZEA app (Version 2.42.0) for our users who choose to view their devices in that way. The IZEA app will now respect your phone’s display and brightness appearance settings where applicable.

iOS Account Switcher

For talent managers or users managing multiple Creators, it can be challenging to transition between Creators seamlessly. To make this easier, we’ve added the ability for users with multiple accounts to switch between accounts within the IZEA app via the ‘Switch Accounts’ option at the top.

Flexibility During YouTube Unit Submission

For YouTube Creators, we’ve added the ability to update content links at publishing time. YouTube Creators can choose between using their draft video or submitting a new link.

Faster Instagram Story Metric Submissions

Confirming metrics is an essential part of any influencer marketing campaign. To make it easier for our Marketers and Creators using Instagram Stories, Creators are now able to upload their Instagram Story metrics directly after they confirm they have published their frame.


Auto-Archive of Promoted Post Campaigns

As a Marketer, it’s important to keep track of individual campaigns and their performance. To help combat confusion among campaigns, we’ve added an auto-complete functionality to our Promoted Posts. Campaigns will now auto-complete when their sets are finished. If there is new activity, for example, a new group or ad, it will automatically move back to an active status.