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Sponsored Shares

A sponsored share is the distribution of a piece of branded content through a social media platform by an influencer.

Sponsored Shares

A sponsored share is the distribution of a piece of branded content through a social media platform by an influencer.

How it Works

The marketer provides the influencer with a piece of content they would like to promote. This content usually comes in the form of a photo, video or blog post that is hosted on a brand site or social channel. While the influencer may provide commentary and engage in discussion with their audience, the primary focus of the share is the brand provided content, rather than content produced by the influencer. This method of influencer marketing is used to provide additional distribution and awareness around high impact brand content.

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“Content and influencer Marketing achieve top-tier effectiveness ratings.”

Read the 2018 State of Creator Economy Report

Sponsored Share Examples

Whole Foods



Total Wine

Ram Trucks

Pepperidge Farm

Influencer Marketing Examples

Sponsored Share Examples

Whole Foods



Total Wine

Ram Trucks

Pepperidge Farm

Influencer Marketing Examples

Need Sponsored Shares?

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