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Digital Sales and Strategy Intern Elliana Roberts chatted with us about her experience so far and their advice for making the most of a virtual IZEA internship. Elliana is in her second year at the University of Michigan, majoring in Spanish with a minor in business.

What made you want to intern at IZEA?

“I always thought the digital marketing space and social media was really interesting so then seeing that there were internship opportunities available to explore that space — I thought that was really interesting so I decided to apply.”

How has your experience been with a virtual internship?

“I really like it because it gives me a lot of flexibility, I can work at my apartment, I can go to a school building, or I can be sitting at a coffee shop with a friend getting some work done. I think it’s been nice to see people through Zoom calls and have it be so flexible.”

“I was able to make my own hours so that was really nice.”

What have been your responsibilities as a digital sales and strategy intern? 

“I’ve been in charge of tracking trend reports and creating slide decks and presentations to send back to clients, informing them of what’s going to be trending this year in the space and how they can incorporate their businesses and products into those trends.”

What have you learned?

“Thinking of new ways to connect different products and services with corresponding trends and media platforms. I’ve also learned about research and trend platforms and being able to put together a concise amount of information into a slide.”

What are your career goals? 

“I would love to work in business or maybe even start my own business someday so learning about how to market products creatively and through social media is incorporated into what I want to do in the future. Working here at IZEA has definitely taught me a lot regarding that.”

What do you like most about your internship so far?

“I like how it’s something new and fun. I like exploring new trends and what’s coming out for the year.”

Any tips for future interns?

“Ask questions and keep in close contact with your supervisor or the person above you and learn from them. Getting to know not just what people do on a day-to-day basis but getting to know their story outside of IZEA has been really cool, too.”

Anything else you want to share?

“It’s been a great experience and I am really glad I was able to do it.”

Want to intern at IZEA? Visit the IZEA careers page.