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The number one question we get from Tweeters signed-up with our Twitter Advertising platform is “How do I get more offers?” As the Sponsored Tweets marketplace has grown it has become harder for those with smaller audiences to grab the attention of advertisers, even if their CPC (Cost Per Click) and FAR (Follower Activation Rate) deliver a strong return on investment. Today we are rolling out a Sponsored Tweets system designed to help all levels of professional tweeters gain more visibility while simultaneously helping advertisers identify tweeters who take their sponsorship seriously.

When you log into you will notice a new PRO button (located on the right hand side, just above your “use our api!” and “referral program'” buttons) . Clicking this button brings you through the signup process to upgrade your account to PRO. PRO accounts are $9.95 per month and have three core benefits:

Try it Free for 30 Days

All users are invited to try a PRO account free for 30 days (credit card required). The fee for PRO accounts will be deducted from your balance. If your balance won’t cover the fee we use your credit card as a backup. You can cancel your PRO account at any time. Our hope is that the additional exposure and lower cash out makes SponsoredTweets an even more profitable social media sponsorship marketplace for you.

Your Cost Per Tweet, FAR and CPC still matter

While a PRO account can help you get more exposure that exposure will only help if your cost and historical performance are in line. Be sure to check out your suggested price in your account settings.

Not interested in a PRO account? No problem! Basic accounts will always be free.

If you have questions you’re welcome to leave them in the comments section here. You can also direct them to @spontwts on Twitter, or refer to our Support Forums.