Powerlifting Prodigy and Supermom: Stefi Guerreiro
Stefi Guerreiro is a well-known Instagram lifestyle influencer, athlete and online strength coach based in the United States (texas), originally from Portugal and speaks 5 languages, 3 of them fluent. Stefi's a powerlifter and a proud parent of two girls and a puppy. As an athlete, Stefi has founded 'Own Your Strength®', an app and workout programs that encourages individuals to embrace their physical prowess and capabilities and inviting others to train with her and experience her unique approach to fitness and strength training. Since she's Portuguese, it adds a unique and rich cultural layer to their identity. Her dedication to fitness, family, sprinkles of fashion and humor and empowering others makes her an inspiring figure in the online community.
About @stefiguerreiro_
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