NAK Arjun

NAK Arjun

78.2k Followers / Subscribers
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NAK Arjun

NAK Arjun

78.2k Followers / Subscribers

いらっしゃいませー ・70~90年代の懐メロやアニソン、特撮ソングなどのベースを弾いてます ・更新は週1~2回、ミュージシャンや俳優、声優など誰かの誕生日や記念日です  代表曲よりも、個人的に気に入った曲を選ぶことが多々あります ・なるべく原曲のフレーズを聴き取って弾くようにしてますが、多少違う箇所もあると思います ・コメントをくださる方、ありがとうございます  外国語も含め全部読んでます ・動画では初心者向けと言われる2万円前後のベースを使うことが多いです  あまりお金をかけずにベースを弾いてみたい、ベースを始めたいという方の参考になればと思います  Bacchus BJB-1R  Bacchus BTB-PJ など

Why Add Connections?

Adding your social accounts will also provide you with a faster way to build out your pitches and listings. Once you have added your verified social accounts we can pull information such as your avatar and name. The listing price, title and description are also pulled if you have a verified social account.

We suggest adding all of your social accounts to your profile. This will open your profile up to more buyers.

There are two types of social account types: verified and unverified.

  • Verified: Accounts that require you to enter your username and password for that social channel before connecting to the platform.
  • Unverified: Accounts that do not require any verification before connecting to the platform.
Pro tip: Verified social accounts add credibility to your profile, making it easier for buyers to work with you.

Adding your social accounts allows buyers to view which social accounts you use for posting. Any social accounts added will be shown on your profile, which is available to all buyers.