Mustafa Khalifa is a full video production specialist based in the TR. He offers a wide range of services, from concept development to post-production, and works with a wide range of clients to help them create stunning visuals. Mustafa has extensive experience in creating and managing online video campaigns, producing high-quality promotional materials, and bringing creative ideas to life. He is passionate about creating meaningful content that resonates with viewers and brings stories to life in a compelling and engaging way. Mustafa is highly experienced in working with various video production tools and software, and his dedication to delivering the highest quality of work makes him the perfect choice for any video production project.

High Quality Video Production - 1-3 Minutes
30 Days Delivery
2 Revisions
Commercial Use
I'll create and edit a 1-3 minute professional video about your product! This Listing includes high-quality video recording and editing.
Conceptual Storyboard
Custom Video Shoot
Post Production
4K Video Format
Mustafa Khalifa
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High Quality Video Production - 1-3 Minutes $300
30 Days Delivery
2 Revisions
Commercial Use
Subtotal $300
Total Delivery Time 30 Days
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