Malaika Mathias is an Instagram influencer based in the United States. She is a rising star in the world of social media, bringing her unique perspective and creative content to her followers. Malaika is currently a sophomore at the University of Chicago, majoring in Mathematics and is also on the pre-med track. She is passionate about using her platform to empower young people, especially those from marginalized backgrounds. Her content is focused on beauty, fashion, and lifestyle, but she also sheds light on social and political issues. With her positive energy and powerful message, Malaika Mathias continues to inspire and motivate her followers every day.

Instagram Story + Swipe Up
15 Days Delivery
2 Revisions
Sponsored Social Content
2-3 frame Instagram story with your product! I can discuss why I like the product, my favorite features, or show how I use it. I'll include a swipe up link and tag the brand.
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Static Instagram Post
15 Days Delivery
2 Revisions
Sponsored Social Content
Static Instagram post featuring your product. I'll take an original photo with the product, write a unique caption and include any tags/hashtags you'd like.
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Malaika Mathias
Malaika Mathias
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Instagram Story + Swipe Up $
15 Days Delivery
2 Revisions
Sponsored Social Content
Subtotal $
Total Delivery Time 15 Days
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