Dear Media Team, I hope this message finds you well. We are Teresa & Denver and the creators/hosts of ThreadTalk Podcast. We specialize in bringing vibrant and engaging Reddit stories to life, spanning genres from personal dilemmas to humorous tales and relationship advice. Our content uniquely appeals to an engaged audience. Since our launch in December 2023, we've achieved over 130,000 downloads, 83,000 full episode views on YouTube and over 30 million views on Tiktok/Instagram. Each new episode is now reaching between 15,000 to 30,000 listeners in the first 30 days. Our listeners are not just passive consumers; they are active engagers, driven by a passion for unique and lively storytelling. This creates a perfect platform for brands looking to connect deeply with their audience. Collaboration Opportunity: We are seeking strategic partnerships with brands that value creative and impactful storytelling. Given your agency’s expertise in crafting compelling marketing strategies, we believe your clients could benefit significantly from sponsoring our podcast. We offer dedicated ad reads that integrate seamlessly into our content, providing a natural and engaging way for brands to connect with their audience. Why Sponsor ThreadTalk? Engaged Audience: Direct access to a dedicated listener base that matches key demographic targets. Brand Exposure: High-impact visibility and engagement, ensuring that your clients’ messages resonate with listeners. Customization: The ability to customize marketing messages in a way that maintains authenticity and maximizes impact. We are enthusiastic about the potential synergy between ThreadTalk and your clients. I would be delighted to discuss how we can work together to create meaningful and effective campaigns. Thank you for considering this opportunity. I look forward to the possibility of creating a partnership that benefits your clients and entertains our listeners.

Sponsored Podcast Episode
15 Days Delivery
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30 second ad read about your product in my podcast! I'll record an advertisement about your product/company and include it in the first half of my podcast. I can write an original ad read or read a verbatim script from you.
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Denver Coutu
Denver Coutu
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Sponsored Podcast Episode $250
15 Days Delivery
2 Revisions
Sponsored Social Content
Subtotal $250
Total Delivery Time 15 Days
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