Daisy Bonita

Daisy Bonita

1.2k Followers / Subscribers
Hispanic / Latino, White / Caucasian
Relationship Status
Master's or Higher
English, Spanish
Male(In High School)
Eng. Rate
Avg. Eng. Per Post
Creator Bio
Daisy Bonita

Daisy Bonita

1.2k Followers / Subscribers

Hi, I'm Daisy, and I live in the vibrant city of Washington, DC, USA. I work as a beauty writer, and I'm passionate about everything related to makeup and personal care. On my social media, especially Instagram, I love sharing reels with beauty tutorials: from makeup to hairstyles, I invite you to get ready with me! I enjoy recommending great products to my followers so they always look radiant. Join my community and discover the best of the beauty world with me!


Washington, DC, US

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Adding your social accounts will also provide you with a faster way to build out your pitches and listings. Once you have added your verified social accounts we can pull information such as your avatar and name. The listing price, title and description are also pulled if you have a verified social account.

We suggest adding all of your social accounts to your profile. This will open your profile up to more buyers.

There are two types of social account types: verified and unverified.

  • Verified: Accounts that require you to enter your username and password for that social channel before connecting to the platform.
  • Unverified: Accounts that do not require any verification before connecting to the platform.
Pro tip: Verified social accounts add credibility to your profile, making it easier for buyers to work with you.

Adding your social accounts allows buyers to view which social accounts you use for posting. Any social accounts added will be shown on your profile, which is available to all buyers.