Amanda Morales, better known by her online persona "MandaPanda," is a vibrant and creative YouTube influencer based in the United States. Her channel, "MandaPanda Toy Collector," is a colorful and exciting platform dedicated to the creation of handmade custom dolls. Her creations span across a wide range of popular brands including My Little Pony, Littlest Pet Shop, American Girl, and many more. MandaPanda's creativity knows no bounds, and she invites her audience to join in on the fun by submitting their own design ideas via Instagram or Facebook. She has a knack for transforming these ideas into tangible, playful pieces of art, making her channel a hub of interactive creativity. Not only does she share her artistic process and final creations on her channel, but Amanda also has an official MandaPanda Toy Collector merchandise store, where fans can purchase items inspired by her unique designs. Her fan base extends beyond the digital realm as she encourages her followers to mail her items at her PO Box in Humble, Texas. Amanda's channel is more than just a showcase of her talent; it's a community where everyone is welcome to participate, learn, and enjoy the magic of toy creation. Her infectious enthusiasm and boundless creativity make Amanda Morales, aka MandaPanda, a truly unique and engaging presence in the YouTube influencer sphere.

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Dedicated YouTube video featuring your product! I’ll include an unboxing, review, feature my 4 year old if it’s something like a toy. I'll include all relevant links and information in the description.
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Dedicated YouTube video featuring your product! I'll include an unboxing, a review, and will feature my 4 year old son if it’s a toy or game that is appropriate for him. I will also a how we use it organically during the video. I'll include all relevant links and information in the description. Video will be 5-10 minutes long
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Amanda Morales
Amanda Morales
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