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Hello PayPerPost patrons.  Today we’ll be releasing a change later on this afternoon that we hope will knock your socks off.  The system is now going to fully support multiple links per post requirements.  Let’s take a tour!

Advertisers will have 2 ways of setting up links on their opportunities.  The old way that we’ve always had is now going to be called the “single link” option.
This will be the default method for adding links to opportunities.  Posts will be randomly assigned a single link from the list of URLs when an offer is made.  The blogger will be required to embed this single link, and the system will validate that the one link is embedded correctly when they submit their post.

This option also allows the advertiser to manually customize which link gets assigned to which blog while they make offers.

Now, let’s review the new alternative way to set up links using the “multiple link” option.  Advertisers can specify the multi-link option in step 3 when they add links.  They can add up to 3 links using this option.  All the links in the list will be required in every post that is submitted to the opportunity.

The advertiser won’t be able to manually edit any link assignments when making offers.  Remember all of the links will be required in every post.

So, by  now I bet some of the bloggers are wondering “how does this affect my experience?”  The first neat addition is on the leads page.  You will be shown up front the number of required links.  No more guessing games when it comes to negotiating your price.  Isn’t that neat?

That’s not the only change that bloggers will notice.  Under the opportunities tab, when you have an offer for a multi-link opp, you will see a page that looks similar to this:
We’ve moved the link info into what should be a foolproof copy/paste text area.  If you’re required to use more than one link, you will see a list of the links that you are required to embed in your post.  We’ve also upgraded the library we use to validate these links.  The spacing issues we’ve experienced (extra spaces in the post’s HTML) should not be a problem with the link validations after we release the new code.

Also, when dealing with multi-link opps, we’ve made sure the validation is explicit.  If we can’t validate one of the required links, we’ll make sure to point out which one you need to fix.

I hope this set of changes works well for both Advertisers and Bloggers.  Please feel free to holler at us if you have any feedback.  You can leave us a comment here or you can always click the little “Feedback” tab within your PPP account.