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Every month Human Resources (aka, Jenni) typically sets-up a company outing. You know…something that gets everyone outside of the office, and hopefully allows folks to get to see another side of each other. In the past we’ve gone bowling, wine tasting, trivia night, and more. In keeping with the spirit of the recent Halloween holiday, Jenni arranged for those willing participants to go on the Orlando Ghost Tour. (I recently saw on one of the cable channels that Orlando is the third most haunted city in the United States, but that’s debatable.)

So a couple of weeks ago about 15 of us made headed a few blocks down from the office to meet-up with our “haunted” tour guide. Despite everyone making fun of me, as I usually do I took an overload of photos and thought I’d share them with you…our blog readers. (You may recognize a familiar courtroom, where a we filmed our well-received PayPerPost Court PSA.) Here’s a photo album I put together of our outing.


BubbleShare: Share photosThanksgivingtime!

Do you have any “haunted” stories? If you do send them our way via comments in this blog post.

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