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Describe yourself in 140 characters or less…
I am a mom first, a proud mom blogger second and a supporter of quality people and products always.

What originally attracted you to SponsoredTweets, and how did you find out about it?
I found out about SponsoredTweets from other reputable bloggers.

What do you love most about Twitter?
I love the instant engagement, the wealth of information and the ease of use in marketing.

Finish this: Without Twitter I would…
not have the connections and online support I value.

What do you feel encourages engagement with your audience?
My audience varies. But they are all highly intelligent people who love the reality of parenting and the truth about products. They engage when I engage.

How do you make it easy to stay connected with your followers?
I use TweetDeck and check my stream on an hourly basis! I respond to everyone.

Whatʼs your preferred blend of tweets made up of: RTs, links, original content etc?
Original content, RT’s, Links to information my readers might appreciate

Any advice for Tweeters new to Sponsored Tweets?
Take opportunities that your audience can relate to. Don’t tweet for money, tweet for value.

What do you love about IZEA and Sponsored Tweets?
The complete ease of use, the extra income and the variety of tweets offered.

Finish this: A tweet a day…
Keep my boredom away! LOL

Congratulations Lori! Follow along with Lori on twitter–@lomargie!