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I am going to do my best to answer peoples questions, though I recognize that I will never make all parties happy. Here goes:

I don’t think it is fair to say we are catering to “elite high profile bloggers”. We have always had the ability for advertisers to make their opportunities available to all bloggers. Some of those advertisers have the mindset that they would like to have as many people blog about them as possible. The theory there is that you can engage a small army of bloggers with lower traffic blogs to get greater results than posting on a handful of blogs with higher levels of traffic.

Other advertisers believe that getting exposure on one big blog is worth exposure on hundreds of smaller blogs. There is no right answer here. It depends on the product and the bloggers that pick it up. The PayPerPost marketplace provides the flexibility to create a campaign from either angle.

You can see that from the Opps that PayPerPost creates that we believe there is value in both types of Opportunities. We create some that are open to everyone and some that use segmentation. Time will tell what works best for us and drives the most traffic to our site.

Every advertiser will be different. I think you blog is valuable. I am happy when I see a paid post of ours on your site, however some advertisers may not be and that is their choice. It is their money to spend.

On a final note I don’t see advertisers segmenting in the way you are describing. I can see and advertiser segmenting on geography, sex and age individually, but I can’t see advertisers combining those three together on a regular basis (i.e. I want a 18-24 female in Virginia). You would have to have some damn good insight about your customers to segment to that level.

anonymous 1
We’ll get those up there soon. Been pretty busy with PostieCon.

anonymous 2
PPP has always been a marketplace, with a bid-like system.

If people are cheating the system and we can prove it they will be dealt with.

I agree, run of network opportunities are extremely powerful. I am happy that you see the value as we do and will continue to do them. This creates more opportunities for all Posties

We do absolutely care what the publishers and advertisers are saying, but please realize that there is a delicate balance here. What the advertisers want and what Posties want aren’t always inline with each other. We have to find a happy medium.

anonymous 3
I am not sure that I understand the reference to MySpace. I like your suggestion though.

anonymous 4
I agree with you. Our responsibility is to try and fill that opportunity, we are working on ways to make sure as many Opportunities are filled as possible. However, some Opps will always go unfilled, that is the nature of a marketplace. (see VCDans comments from the previous post on this subject)

Good hair.

Happy Blogger
I am happy you are happy : )

Labels: segmenation